In a market with a lot of options, HBK (formerly Bruel and Kjaer) acoustic cameras are a beacon of precision and efficiency. This instrument simplifies the complex task of noise source location. Effortless to operate, with minimal training required, it enables on-site, real-time measurement, viewing, and reporting. You can pinpoint sound origins and document the area with a screenshot or video recording. The adjustable frequency range during playback facilitates a robust post-processing analysis that surpasses many rivals, allowing you to undertake beamforming and acoustic holography measurements on a single system.

The handheld device measures down to 140 Hz. This feature is indispensable for detecting noise sources such as the drone of engines or the operation of HVAC systems, which are often undetected by less sophisticated tools that often have a threshold of 1kHz. The display offers more than a visual representation of noise—it provides precise, real-time measurement, making it an authoritative and documentable instrument for noise level assessment.

Pictured also is the Pentangular Array, the big brother in the family and designed for large outdoor structures such as wind turbines, processing facilities, or buildings. At the heart of all systems in the range lies the LAN-XI multichannel analyser, which doubles as a comprehensive solution for multichannel analysis covering a spectrum from DC to 51.2 kHz, with a phenomenal 160dB dynamic range, and performance specifications that are best in class.
With HBK acoustic cameras, you don’t just measure sound; you capture a symphony of data, and that speaks volumes.
Interested in implementing your own Acoustic Cameras? Contact our specialist stewart.wood@nvms.com.au to enquire today.
Author: Stewart Wood, NVMS National Solutions Manager
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